Training and age "Golden Age"/" Declining Age"

by harvestgreen22, Dec 26, 2024

I know people who have done this kind of work, and I just want to see what exact numerical effects it has on specific training programs

The age of 19 is a Key node. It slows down growth,
The age of 27 is another Key node. Significantly reduced growth.

15-18 Age is the largest growth period, 17-18 Age peak growth.
The graph on the leftis "[Rest]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" training, which still allows for Pace and Acceleration Grow at age 33 (at the expense of skill and spirit).
At age 24, it will inevitably reduce total CA

The graph on the right, [Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness] is displayed.
It represents maximizing the growth of CA , while avoiding the waste of PA by "invalid attributes" as much as possible, and at the same time allowing "effective attributes" to grow as much as possible
It can't keep CA from declining at about age 35

At the age of 15-18, compared to the age of 20, the increase in CA can not be added to Physical Class Stats,it can only add more technical and mental Class Stats,
because the physical class Stats have some kind of hard-coded upper limit per season.[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness] It unlocks this upper limit so that the corresponding stats, such as Pace, can grow by 2-3 times compared to "normal"

Professionalism 10.
compared to
Professionalism 20
It reduces growth by about 30-35%

If you need more information, you can see in excel

Excel (data)

Testing File

Default test condition
It's only been tested once. Randomness introduces errors.
All attributes 10, PA200, age 20, injury, dirty 1, Professionalism 20.
The team consists of 1 goalkeeper, 2 centre-backs, 2 full-backs, 1 midfielders, 1 front midfielders, 2 wingers and 1 striker.
The default distribution in the group,
The defensive team has 2 centre-backs, 2 full-backs, 1 centre-back,
The attacking team has 1 midfielders, 1 midfielders, 2 wingers and 1 striker.
The coaching staff are all 5 stars, the training facilities are 5 stars, and 30 games are played.
The number of matches and Professionalism had a great influence.
[Double intensity]= training page, Rest page, training intensity scheduling, Set to "No pitch or gym work, No pitch or gym work, No pitch or gym work, double intensity, double intensity"

edit 27/12/2024↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Excel Training English 2

edit 27/12/2024↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑


This shows that by far [Rest]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness] is the best training for Players under 19 (not including 19). Thank you for sharing this


animatron said: This shows that by far [Rest]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness] is the best training for Players under 19 (not including 19). Thank you for sharing this

Does it? I feel people seriously underestimate the power of CA growth for young players. Your 85 CA 18 year old physical freaks will not get any decent loans, you'll have to keep them at the club costing their further growth because of lack of competitive game time plus you'll want to guide their development. I find that it is unnecessary to cap CA growth, you can reach 20 pace and acceleration on "normal" schedules from these tests.


Yarema said: Does it? I feel people seriously underestimate the power of CA growth for young players. Your 85 CA 18 year old physical freaks will not get any decent loans, you'll have to keep them at the club costing their further growth because of lack of competitive game time plus you'll want to guide their development. I find that it is unnecessary to cap CA growth, you can reach 20 pace and acceleration on "normal" schedules from these tests.

Not all youngsters have 160+ CA, so the amount of CA is limited that's why I would rather use the one  I've mentioned


I'm reaching 20 pace on guys with 120 PA without having to resort to full rest schedule


Yarema said: I'm reaching 20 pace on guys with 120 PA without having to resort to full rest schedule

what schedule are you using?


BulldozerJokic said: what schedule are you using?

More or less the 2nd one tested here with occasional modifications


Yarema said: Does it? I feel people seriously underestimate the power of CA growth for young players. Your 85 CA 18 year old physical freaks will not get any decent loans, you'll have to keep them at the club costing their further growth because of lack of competitive game time plus you'll want to guide their development. I find that it is unnecessary to cap CA growth, you can reach 20 pace and acceleration on "normal" schedules from these tests.

animatron said: This shows that by far [Rest]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness] is the best training for Players under 19 (not including 19). Thank you for sharing this

Excel Training English 2

I think the method used is flexible according to the needs of the actual situation,

For example, players in a lower league, let's say that the average young player between the ages of 15 and 18 has only 100 PA, about 70 CA,

Then, the CA they can grow is "100-70=30".
Since "30" is low.

They do not have enough "residual CA" to grow "technical and spiritual" at the same time, so training that is more inclined to physical attributes can make them ultimately have higher "combat effectiveness".

In contrast to the other situation, suppose that the player in a good club, 15-18 years old young players generally have 170 PA, about 70 CA,

Then, the CA they can grow is "170-70=100".
Such a large number of "residual CA" is enough for players to develop in different types of attributes

That said, in this case,
you may need to worry about whether the "100" remaining CA will be used up in time before the player age 25,
If the 100 "surplus CA" is not used up in time, it is a waste of PA

another situation I mentioned on the 1st floor, or you can just look at the linked table:

physical class attributes that have a hard-coded scale/numerical upper limit.

For the same training schedule, at age 20, it increases the CA by 22.5, assuming an increase in Pace of 2-2.5
At age 18, it increases the CA by 30.5, again only increasing the Pace by 2-2.5
At age 15, it increases the CA by 29, again only increasing the Pace by 2-2.5
At the age of 23, it increases the CA by 20, again only increasing the Pace by 2-2.5

The above results are based on the test conditions of 30 matches.
If you look at my previous post, there was a part of the test that was "0 matches played", and for that case, it also only increased the Pace by 2-2.5

So what happened to the extra CA?
For example, at age 20, it increases CA by 22.5, and at age 18, it increases CA by 30.5.
They differ by 30.5 - 22.5 = 8
As you can see in the table, the "8" ,they are mostly assigned to technical and mental attributes

In other words, the golden age of 15-18 years old ,
Training technique and mental class stats is far more effective,

Training the physical attributes is also more effective, but only slightly increases the effect

Being much more effective doesn't mean you have to do it. Like I said, I think it's Adjust according to the actual situation

In my training schedule above, the growth of the physical is more independent of the number of match played, that is, even if there is no match  at all, their physical part growth will not be significantly reduced
By the same principle, the CA brought about by the increase in the number of matches is more allocated to the "technical and mental" attributes ,
and More match played than 30 will further increase the value of "30.5" for 17-18-year-olds in this picture


Spoiler 1.Extreme way to increase Physical class stats

[Rest]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]

"Recovery" is actually a variant of rest. If there is any other training, "rest" will be invalid, but "recovery" will not, "recovery" is counted as a training, so it can be used as a "weight" to pull the weight of "Pace" and "Acc" and so on to make it closer to the "rest" CA distribution,
so the following 7 x recovery are added. It is used to pull the weight of the CA assigned to the Physical stats to pull up
(The disadvantage of recovery is that it slightly increases the weight of a less useful physical attribute, such as strength, but this disadvantage can be ignored)

2.Increase moderate levels of CA , as fewer invalid attributes as possible, and as many high value attributes as possible

[Quickness]+[Attacking Shadow Play]+[Recovery]x7+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
[Quickness]+[Attacking Direct]+[Recovery]x7+[Addtional Focus Quickness]

3. Add as much CA as possible , while fewer invalid attributes as possible, and as many high value attributes as possible

[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
[Physical]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]

[Rest]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
It sacrifices technical and mental growth and maximizes physical growth

[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
maximizing CA growth as possbile , avoids the growth of invalid attributes and increases the growth of valid attributes as much as possible

The difference between the two training schedules in the picture is actually that they choose
"whether to sacrifice a small amount of physical attributes grow" to allow the technical and mental classes to get weight CA distribution and allow the technical and mental classes to grow

If it yes, it's "3", if it's no, it's "1",
The middle solution is 2


harvestgreen22 said: Excel Training English 2

I think the method used is flexible according to the needs of the actual situation,

For example, players in a lower league, let's say that the average young player between the ages of 15 and 18 has only 100 PA, about 70 CA,

Then, the CA they can grow is "100-70=30".
Since "30" is low.

They do not have enough "residual CA" to grow "technical and spiritual" at the same time, so training that is more inclined to physical attributes can make them ultimately have higher "combat effectiveness".

In contrast to the other situation, suppose that the player in a good club, 15-18 years old young players generally have 170 PA, about 70 CA,

Then, the CA they can grow is "170-70=100".
Such a large number of "residual CA" is enough for players to develop in different types of attributes

That said, in this case,
you may need to worry about whether the "100" remaining CA will be used up in time before the player age 25,
If the 100 "surplus CA" is not used up in time, it is a waste of PA

another situation I mentioned on the 1st floor, or you can just look at the linked table:

physical class attributes that have a hard-coded scale/numerical upper limit.

For the same training schedule, at age 20, it increases the CA by 22.5, assuming an increase in Pace of 2-2.5
At age 18, it increases the CA by 30.5, again only increasing the Pace by 2-2.5
At age 15, it increases the CA by 29, again only increasing the Pace by 2-2.5
At the age of 23, it increases the CA by 20, again only increasing the Pace by 2-2.5

The above results are based on the test conditions of 30 matches.
If you look at my previous post, there was a part of the test that was "0 matches played", and for that case, it also only increased the Pace by 2-2.5

So what happened to the extra CA?
For example, at age 20, it increases CA by 22.5, and at age 18, it increases CA by 30.5.
They differ by 30.5 - 22.5 = 8
As you can see in the table, the "8" ,they are mostly assigned to technical and mental attributes

In other words, the golden age of 15-18 years old ,
Training technique and mental class stats is far more effective,

Training the physical attributes is also more effective, but only slightly increases the effect

Being much more effective doesn't mean you have to do it. Like I said, I think it's Adjust according to the actual situation

In my training schedule above, the growth of the physical is more independent of the number of match played, that is, even if there is no match  at all, their physical part growth will not be significantly reduced
By the same principle, the CA brought about by the increase in the number of matches is more allocated to the "technical and mental" attributes ,
and More match played than 30 will further increase the value of "30.5" for 17-18-year-olds in this picture

What is the league reputation of your test file? Does it affect the test results significantly?

Can you do the same test for u19 players in u19 league reputation?


animatron said: What is the league reputation of your test file? Does it affect the test results significantly?

Can you do the same test for u19 players in u19 league reputation?

test league reputation

league reputation : 200
(max 200)

team reputation :8000
(max 10000)

u19 :
Haven't tried it now
I don't know where I can edit the U18/U19/U23 reputation? Is it their reputation same from the main team's reputation ?


Can you set it to 0 and compare?


While a lot of these attributes do account for match wins for the team,
I also wonder how it impacts the player's transfer value.

In my mind, most players are trained so as to be sold for the highest possible transfer value. Some of that comes by boosting their reputation, but some of it is relative to their CA, no?

Does the actual CA distribution impact the transfer value?


Player's value is more complicated than that. His current contract value has a big impact. Player values in low reputation leagues are also low even if their CA/PA and attributes are crazy high.


So the next question is how to maximise youth intake?  If the first 3/4 years (15-19) are the most important for growth and maximising physicals, what are the best ways to increase our RNG for youth candidate?

1. Head of Youth Development 20-20 Judging Potential, Working with youngsters
2. HoYD very strong personality with high Professionalism, Ambition & determination (Model Citizen/Perfectionist)
3. "Exceptional youth recruitment"
4. Feeder clubs with Exceptional youth recruitment and "may send academy players to train at..."

(FWIW, I have all these with my current Brighton Save and I've only had 1 "A" rated youth in 4 seasons)

Anything else I've missed or overlooked?

Also what would be the ideal strategy, send them on loan ASAP to increase their overall development or keep them in this specific training structure until they're 19 and then send them out on loan?  I suppose it would depend if they max Pace/Acc before they're 19?


Graz said: So the next question is how to maximise youth intake?  If the first 3/4 years (15-19) are the most important for growth and maximising physicals, what are the best ways to increase our RNG for youth candidate?

1. Head of Youth Development 20-20 Judging Potential, Working with youngsters
2. HoYD very strong personality with high Professionalism, Ambition & determination (Model Citizen/Perfectionist)
3. "Exceptional youth recruitment"
4. Feeder clubs with Exceptional youth recruitment and "may send academy players to train at..."

(FWIW, I have all these with my current Brighton Save and I've only had 1 "A" rated youth in 4 seasons)

Anything else I've missed or overlooked?

Also what would be the ideal strategy, send them on loan ASAP to increase their overall development or keep them in this specific training structure until they're 19 and then send them out on loan?  I suppose it would depend if they max Pace/Acc before they're 19?

The most important things is having your club youth importance on 20. Which can only be seen and changed in pre-game editor and it can't be modified throughout the save. The second most important thing – youth recruitment level must be higher than that of the rest of teams in your league. If you have it on 19 (which is also "exceptional" btw), and a club in your league has 20, it will get the best regens. If you both have it on 20, better regens join higher reputation club.


Graz said: So the next question is how to maximise youth intake?  If the first 3/4 years (15-19) are the most important for growth and maximising physicals, what are the best ways to increase our RNG for youth candidate?

1. Head of Youth Development 20-20 Judging Potential, Working with youngsters
2. HoYD very strong personality with high Professionalism, Ambition & determination (Model Citizen/Perfectionist)
3. "Exceptional youth recruitment"
4. Feeder clubs with Exceptional youth recruitment and "may send academy players to train at..."

(FWIW, I have all these with my current Brighton Save and I've only had 1 "A" rated youth in 4 seasons)

Anything else I've missed or overlooked?

Also what would be the ideal strategy, send them on loan ASAP to increase their overall development or keep them in this specific training structure until they're 19 and then send them out on loan?  I suppose it would depend if they max Pace/Acc before they're 19?

I don't think 1 matters. Just #2, #3 + maxed Junior Coaching and Facilities and maybe feeder clubs. For #4, Has it been proven that this doesn't just change the nationality of your own intake?


Have you noticed the different age peak by position, or at least between outfield players and goalkeepers ?

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